This page should provide the information you need to know about shipping, exchanges and returns, but if not please contact me. [email protected]
PAYMENTS - All major credit cards and Paypal accepted.
Most items are made to order and will SHIP 1-7 days from time of purchase. I will email you an estimated ship date and a tracking number. Once your package is shipped, it will take 1-4 days for US packages and 5-14 days for international packages.
Please leave a note at checkout if you would like signature confirmation.
US ORDERS - Fedex Ground (to business addresses) USPS Priority Mail or Home Delivery with tracking are my preferred methods, but I will send the safest, quickest and most economical way available. Items under $50 will ship 1st Class mail. Tracking information will be sent to your email address. I am diligent about tracking packages and communicating about delays to make sure you have your item as soon as possible.
Fedex Ground & Home Delivery takes 1-5 days from ship date, depending on distance. USPS 2-3 days, depending on distance.
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS - International orders will ship via USPS. Wired is not responsible for duties and taxes, but will take care to ship in the most economical way. Shipping time varies by distance and destination. On average, international shipments arrive 5-14 days from ship date, depending on distance.
PRIORITY SHIPPING - If you need priority shipping, please let me know (use notes to seller field) when you place your order and I will let you know options/costs. Please note: I prefer to use USPS for international packages.
For items purchased for the winter holidays, please contact me to exchange or return by January 10. Please do not ship anything back without specific shipping instructions first, as I travel often I want to be sure that nothing ends up lost in the mail.
It's very important to me that you are happy with your purchase. If you receive your piece and it needs adjustments, I will happily adjust for size, exchange it for another item, issue credit or gift certificate within 2 weeks.
If an exchange or adjustment does not work for you, please let me know within 14 days and I will send return instructions. Item will be credited upon receipt.
I stand by my work, so if there is some problem with its construction, please let me know within 7 days.

All [wired] products are handmade by me from upcycled, repurposed and surplus materials, and are limited edition or one of a kind pieces. I salvage these materials from a variety of sources including recycling centers, surplus businesses, donations and very often directly from the manufacturers who discard them.